Current Development Issue

Updated Letter as of 8-23-24

Click to read the April Letter

August 23, 2024

To Our La Fox Area Neighbors,

Attached is Pulte Homes’ latest plan for annexation to St. Charles. They have never reached out to our group for input. As you can see, it does not respect the Historical District, existing neighbors, and farms, or the Brundige Road Rustic Road designation. It is DOUBLE the density of the 2007 plan.

As stated before, our goal is to STOP ANNEXATION TO ST. CHARLES and to present a plan with less density that aligns with those agreed upon in 2007 (1.06 units/acres overall), and with Kane County oversight.  

Annexation Plan for Charles Farm
La Fox History of Development Proposals
Letter to St. Charles City Council
Kane County GIS map

WE NEED YOUR HELP as this is going to the St. Charles Plan Commission on Wednesday, September 4 at 7 pm at St. Charles City Hall, 2 E. Main St., St. Charles. We would like to get as many people as possible to come and show opposition to this land being annexed into the City of St. Charles. ATTENTION: THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 WILL NOT HAVE PULTE’S CONCEPT PLAN ON THE AGENDA, SO THERE IS NO NEED TO GO TO THAT MEETING.


Attend the Plan Commission meeting on Wednesday, September 4 to show opposition.

Contact anyone you know who lives in St. Charles city limits to contact their alderperson and oppose this.

Let us put a sign on your property or ask anyone in the area you know.  We would especially like them on the main roads. Please email your address to

The La Fox Civic Association is working full-time on this and meeting with several officials per week on La Fox’s behalf.

Thanks for your help!         

April 2024

La Fox Civic Association
P. O. Box 322
La Fox, IL  60147

Dear Fellow La Fox Area Residents:

You may have noticed the surveying activity going on over the last few months.  This is related to the potential sale of 970 acres of vacant land to Pulte Homes for the development of a town-sized residential community.  They have asked St. Charles to consider annexation.

This is the same property that was proposed for development as “Grand Prairie” and later “Settlements of La Fox” in the early 2000’s.

Annexation to St. Charles is not desirable as it would take control of the development away from Kane County and give it to St. Charles.  This would result in very high density and no representation of the existing property owners in the issue.

The good news is that the La Fox Civic Organization was formed 24 years ago to represent area residents in development issues.  We have already begun opposing annexation by meeting with St. Charles officials and providing them with information as to why this is not in St Charles best interests.  We have successfully opposed annexation of all or part of this property twice in the past.  We have defined the La Fox areas as approximately 4.0 square miles bordered by Rt. 38, Keslinger, Harley, and Brundige Roads.

Since our area is in the Kane County 2040 Land Use Plan as being in the “Critical Growth Area” and has a train station, development of some kind will likely occur.  Our goal is to have any development be lower overall density, be done through Kane County, and involve community input.

If you would like to be on our emailing list for notifications and related meetings etc., please contact us and give us your name, address, email, phone number, and any kind of help you may be able to offer the Association.


Drew Frasz, President

La Fox Civic Association